Compare ways to transfer money from Morocco to Panama

The top money transfer companies show you their best price for transferring money from Morocco to Panama.
0 MAD -> PAB
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0 MAD -> PAB
Last updated: Sep 16, 2024
Fee & exchange rate
Fee: 0
Exchange rate: 0
This company uses individualised quotes that depend on many factors. To receive a quote specific to your requirements, you will need to sign up with the company and ask for it. The rate displayed is representative of what you can receive, but it is not guaranteed.
3.6% below the mid-market rate
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Fee & exchange rate
Fee: 0
Exchange rate: 0
1.66% worse than mid-market rate
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Fee & exchange rate
Fee: 0
Exchange rate: 0
4.12% worse than mid-market rate
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All exchange rates, transfer fees, transfer times and amounts received are close estimates. We cannot 100% verify the accuracy of the information displayed.

Need to transfer money from Panama to Morocco instead?

Send money from Panama to Morocco

Additional Options

Results displayed above are of currency brokers, which are large transfer specialists. Because of their bespoke approach, we believe they are the best way to make transfers of MAD from Morocco to Panama. View additional results by clicking the button below.

Fee & exchange rate
Fee: 0
Exchange rate: 0
worse than mid-market rate
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Fee & exchange rate
Fee: 0
Exchange rate: 0
worse than mid-market rate
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How to transfer money from Morocco to Panama

1. Check out the MAD/PAB exchange rate to see if now is a good time to exchange

Exchange rates move up to 30000 times a day.

In times of high volatility, a quote today might be considerably worse (or better!) than a quote yesterday.

So, it’s always good to keep track of where your currency pair is and where it’s going to go.

This can help you time your exchange and get you more PAB for your MAD.

2. Compare a host of different companies available using our comparison engine

There are a lot of providers out there who can help you with your transfer to Panama.

They all offer different prices, products and services.

For example, some are more expensive than others and some offer mobile apps.

Having all of the information in front of you in a neat comparison is very useful when choosing a provider.

3. Select the most suitable provider for you

What might be important to one person, might not be important for you.

For example, are you focused on safety rather than price?

Or, level of personal service over features?

To summarise, here is what you should consider:

  • Exchange rates and fees
  • Speed of transfer
  • Safety (regulation)
  • Service and features
Choosing a provider that is a good fit for you is essential for an excellent customer journey.

4. Get a quote from your chosen provider and complete the transfer

After signing up, you’ll probably have to go through some compliance checks.

This means sending them some documentation to prove that it’s really you.

Once that’s done, it’s as simple as locking in an exchange and sending them your Moroccan Dirhams.

After that, they’ll dispatch your Panamanian Balboas to Panama and your transfer is complete.

Best way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama

With money transfers, there is no universal best way.

It comes down to what you want and what you need.

Whether it’s service, security, speed or cost, you have to choose a provider that fits your requirements.

To truly find your ‘best way’, having a shop around and comparing your options is your best bet.

If you are worried about security, you can rest assured that all companies on TopMoneyCompare are very safe.

We don’t list any companies that aren’t regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or their countries' equivalents.

If they’re regulated, they’re safe to use.

With our comparison engine, you can also see how quick each provider is, and what their rates and fees are.

To summarise, TopMoneyCompare gives you all the tools to help you find your best way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama.

You can start your comparison just below.

Cheapest way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama

For transfers of over MAD10000, the cheapest way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama is through a currency broker.

Currency brokers are best for larger transfers.

You’ll get great rates with no fees, alongside a personal account manager to help guide you through the process.

However, you’ll find that some either have a minimum volume of MAD10000 or will provide non competitive rates for anything under that.

So, for transfers of under MAD10000, you’re better off with a money transfer app.

You do all the work yourself, with no one to speak to.

Most apps provide the best rates available, however most have small fees.

We recommend avoiding the following, for all transfers:
  • Banks
  • Cash-based providers
  • E-wallets (e.g. PayPal)
They are simply the most expensive methods out there.

To get a specific quote and comparison, start a new search on TopMoneyCompare.

Fastest way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama

If speed is of the essence, using a currency broker is your best bet.

You will have someone to talk to, who can get you registered and guide you through a speedy transfer.

Compared to an app, where your application might get held up for compliance reasons.

In which case, you will have no one to speak to and will just have to wait it out.

Most currency brokers can perform major currency transfers the same day.

So this means that if you can get your Moroccan Dirhams to them quickly, they can dispatch your Panamanian Balboas just as quickly.

However, the fastest option often won’t be the cheapest.

How to get the best MAD/PAB exchange rate

Getting the best MAD/PAB exchange rate comes down to this:

  1. Choosing the most competitive provider
  2. Timing your exchange
All providers offer different mark-ups on the exchange rate.

Getting comparison quotes is the best way to determine who comes out on top.

Next comes timing your exchange.

This means keeping an eye on the market and any upcoming news.

Exchange rates are heavily swayed by financial and political announcements, such as interest rate changes and consumer index reports.

By knowing what’s coming up, you can have a good idea on where the exchange rate is going to go.

If you think it’s going to go up, you should wait. If you can see it going down, you should perform the transfer sooner rather than later.

If monitoring the markets isn’t for you, a currency broker can help.

You’ll be assigned a personal account manager who will basically do all of the above on your behalf.

They’ll then let you know the best time to exchange.


Here are some answers to the questions we get asked the most.

My bank offers money transfers from Morocco to Panama, shall I just use them instead?

No. Most high-street banks offer the worst currency rates on the market, paired with poor service and large transfer fees. On top of that, you won't have an advisor there to help with timing your exchange. In short, using your bank isn't a good idea.

Can I use TopMoneyCompare to transfer money from Morocco to Panama?

No. We are simply here to compare the different options available for you, and give you the necessary advice to help you with your transfer and maximise your exchange. We are not a currency broker or payment provider.

Can I trust all of the companies on TopMoneyCompare?

Yes. We want to make sure that you and your funds are as safe as possible. That's why we only write about and compare regulated companies. You can rest assured that any company listed on TopMoneyCompare is very safe.

How does TopMoneyCompare find the cheapest way to transfer money from Morocco to Panama?

Simply put, we take your transfer volume and run an exchange rate quote with our listed providers. We'll then list the cheapest options for you to pick from. The top option will be the cheapest, however you may want to consider other criteria as well such as fees or transfer speed.

What is an international money transfer?

An international money transfer is the movement of money from one country to another via a bank transfer. Usually, this requires a currency conversion. Our purpose is to help you find the cheapest way to transfer money internationally.

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